Omar Yunes

Back in 2012, former pro soccer player Rodrigo Garduño decided to shake up the health and fitness scene in Mexico City. He launched 54D, a hardcore transformation program designed to shatter mental barriers and deliver real physical and emotional results. And guess what? It did just that. People were hooked, forming a tight-knit community around 54 days of intense training, custom nutrition plans, and recovery therapy.

Seeing the potential, Garduño didn’t stop there. He expanded his brainchild across Mexico and Colombia. Among those who completed the program was Omar Yunes, now CEO and a proud 54D graduate. He and Garduño became fast friends, and Yunes soon saw an opportunity to bring 54D to Miami. He shared the journey of how 54D is making waves in a $100 billion industry.

“I stumbled upon 54D six years ago while in Mexico City,” Yunes said. “I was desperate for something different to get back in shape after a marathon injury. A friend tipped me off about this hush-hush program. I managed to get hold of an email and, after a goal-setting interview, I was in.”


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Omar Yunes, like many others, saw remarkable results and recognized a business opportunity. With his background in multiple franchise ownership and real estate, he teamed up with Rodrigo Garduño. By 2016, Yunes had moved to Miami, bought out Garduño’s partners in Mexico, and became the CEO. After nearly a year of navigating permits and tweaking the concept for the Miami market, they opened their first U.S. location in February 2019.

According to Yunes, 54D isn’t just a fitness program—it’s a life-changer. But this transformation starts even before you break a sweat. Prospective members go through an interview process to define their goals and set realistic expectations. “We’re all about delivering results,” Yunes explained. “For example, women can lose up to 22% body fat and men up to 33%. Anything beyond that is unrealistic.”

Members are then assigned to one of four yearly cycles and train with the same group throughout the program, creating strong bonds and accountability. Yunes emphasized that the community aspect is a key part of the 54D experience. “You hold each other accountable and become friends, almost like family. Members often talk about feeling stronger, healthier, and more confident, thanks to the program.”

With results guaranteed, a nutritionist on-site monitoring weekly progress, recovery sessions including cryotherapy, and a supportive network, it’s clear why 54D is gaining traction. Yunes also mentioned their proactive approach to the ongoing pandemic.

“We’ve implemented numerous safety measures, including reduced class sizes and enhanced cleaning protocols. Interestingly, these precautions have increased demand, with our next cycle already fully booked.”

Omar Yunes - CEO at 54D

To adapt to the pandemic, 54D also introduced a 10-week online program following Garduño’s successful live-stream sessions. “We call it Generation Q, for quarantine,” Yunes said. “We’re already seeing participants from Greece, Spain, and Dubai. Despite limited spots, we’re maintaining our commitment to monitoring progress and ensuring accountability.”

Looking forward, Yunes is targeting a late 2020 opening for a second Miami location in the Design District and a New York City spot by spring 2021. Long-term, he and Garduño are focused on smart growth and maintaining brand excellence. Yunes remains confident in the brick-and-mortar model, even during a pandemic, citing increased demand for in-person training.

“Humans are inherently social. We thrive on the energy and commitment of others,” Yunes remarked.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Yunes had some solid advice: “Understand the financial risks, be meticulous with your planning, and stay focused on your goals. Believe in what you’re doing and prioritize what’s best for your clients over profit. This approach has earned us credibility and support. People believe in us because we genuinely care about their success.”